Cooperation in Research and Education

Photonics Laboratory


The Photonics Laboratory cooperates with different academic and industrial partners. This includes joint public-funded research projects, contracted research or experimental pretests preliminary to joint research proposals. Thanks to our actual partners for their support. The Photonics Laboratory is also part of the "Forschungsfeld Photonik". This is a joint research initiative in Photonics at the Department of Applied Sciences and Mechatronics, which has recently been supported by the Munich University of Applied Sciences. This supports the inter-laboratory research at the intersection of different novel applications in photonics and bundles the knowhow of several researchers of the department.

Munich University of Applied Sciences Department Of Applied Sciences And Mechatronics

The Photonics Laboratory is, due to their focus in optoelectronics and wave guiding, strongly involved in the education in the Master's courses of Photonics. The Master's program Photonics is supported by an industrial advisory board (Industrieller Beirat Photonik:)