Cooperation Partners in Research


Thanks to our academic and industrial partners for their support.

Technical University Munich,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Munich, Germany


Institute for Measurement Systems and Sensor Technology

Munich, Germany

Contact: Prof. A. W. Koch

Prof. Koch: Supervisor of the doctorate of B. Hopf, M. Lindner, F.J. Dutz, Q. Bian, A. Stadler, F. Buchfellner
Project partner: "In-Situ strain measurement during solidification and cooling of aluminum alloys using regenerated fiber Bragg gratings" (DFG-RO 4145/3-2)


MTU Aero Engines AG, Munich, Germany


MTU Aero Engines A

Munich, Germany

Probes for high temperature measurements in the gas duct
Project partner: "Inno TurbinE - Fiber optic"


Wuhan University of Technology,
Wuhan, China


National Engineering Laboratory for Fiber Optic Sensing Technology (NEL-FOST)

Wuhan, China

Contact: : Prof. M. Yang

Prof. Minghong Yang: HM Fellowship Program 2018
Fiber optic sensing technology (POM, MNN)
Thin film optics (POM, MMN)

Project partner: "Function-optimized fiber optic sensing for the detection of low hydrogen levels with structured palladium coated pi-shifted fiber Bragg gratings"


Technical University Munich,
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Munich, Germany


Chair of Metal Forming and Casting

Garching, Germany

Contact: Prof. W. Volk

Project partner: “In-Situ strain measurement during solidification and cooling of aluminum alloys using regenerated fiber Bragg gratings” (DFG-RO 4145/3-2)


Siemens AG


Corporate Technology Research and Development for Digitalization and Automation Sensor System Integration Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB

Erlangen, Germany and Finspang, Sweden

Project partner: “Fibre-optic high-temperature sensor network for improving the efficiency of gas turbines and reactors in the process industry” (BFS - AZ-1146-14)

Project partner:“Fiber optical HiBi-FBG sensor system increasing the efficiency in the utilization of high power generators” (BMBF - 03FH055PX3)

Research commission: Multipoint fiber optic high temperature probe


Friedrich Schiller University Jena,
Faculty of Physics and Astronomy,
Jena, Germany


Institute of Applied Physics , Ultra Fast Optics

Jena, Germany

Contact: Prof. S. Nolte

Prof. S. Nolte: Supervisor of the doctorate of B. Trautwein


Universitäts-Klinikum Tübingen
Tübingen, Germany


Cell Biology Research Lab, Orthopeadic Clinic, Tübingen

Tübingen, Germany

Contact: Dr. M. Danalache

Research an indentation-based characterization of cartilage


Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Munich, Germany


Clinic for General, Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery, Cartilage Research Group

Munich, Germany

Contact: A. Aszodi, PD, PhD

Project partner: "Innovative arthrosis diagnostics with fiber Bragg grating based indentation suitable for endoscopic examinations" (DFG - RO 4145/4-1)


Klinikum rechts der Isar,
Technical University of Munich,
Munich, Germany


Biomechanics Laboratory

Munich, Germany

Contact: Prof. R. Burgkart

Research on indentation-based characterization of cartilage


Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH,
Institute of Energy and Climate Research,
Jülich, Germany


Institut für Energie- und Klimaforschung

Jülich, Germany

Contact: Dr. D. Schäfer, Mr. S. Liang

Project partner: “Measurement of Temperature Distribution in Solid Oxide Cell-Stacks”
Research commission: Multipoint fiber optic high temperature arrays to monitor temperature profiles


Munich University of Applied Sciences,
Department of Applied Sciences and Mechatronics,
Munich, Germany


Laser Center

Munich, Germany

Contact: Prof. H. Huber

Project partner: “Highly sensitive fiber optical force sensor based on a fs-laser structured fiber Bragg grating (FBG)”


Munich University of Applied Sciences,
Department of Applied Sciences and Mechatronics,
Munich, Germany


Nanoanalytics and Biophysics Laboratory

Munich, Germany

Contact: Prof. H. Clausen-Schaumann

Project partner: “Innovative arthrosis diagnostics with fiber Bragg grating based indentation suitable for endoscopic examinations” (DFG - RO 4145/4-1)


MAN Energy Solutions SE
Munich, Germany


MAN Energy Solutions SE

Munich, Germany

Project partner: “Fibre-optic high-temperature sensor network for improving the efficiency of gas turbines and reactors in the process industry” (BFS - AZ-1146-14)


Institute National de la Recherche,
Varennes (Québec),


Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications (Energy Materials Telecommunications) Research Centre (INRS-EMT)

Varennes (Québec), Canada

Contact: Prof. A. Rüdiger

Bennet Fischer (POM): Master Thesis “In situ Raman spectroscopy on fiber Bragg gratings and glass fibers at elevated temperatures (February to June 2017 in Varennes)
Kathrin Hepp (MNM): Master Thesis “Photoluminescence spectroscopy of FBG” (August 2018 to January 2019 in Varennes)