Photonics Laboratory of Munich University of Applied Sciences  

at the Department of Applied Sciences and Mechatronics 


The Photonics Laboratory develops and evaluates high precision optical fiber sensors that are especially adapted to the demands in medicine, industry and research.

  • Lectures in optoelectronics and fiber optic technology in the Bachelor and Master programs.
  • Research activities in optical fiber sensing based on fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs):
    • High-temperature annealing, calibration and sensing
    • Strain measurements of cartilage tissue
    • Hydrogen detection with Palladium-coated FBGs
    • Fiber-optic smart casts with embedded FBG sensors
  • Degree theses (Bachelor and Master) and doctoral theses (cooperative doctorate) in the field of fiber sensing.
  • Commissioned research for industrial partners


Optica Advanced Photonics Congress 2024
  • Invited Talk:
    J. Roths, “Sensing in Extreme High Temperature Environments With Regenerated Fiber Bragg Gratings (RFBGs)”
  • Contributed Talk:
    A. Röhrl, “Ultra-high Temperature Sensor Utilizing an Intrinsic Sapphire Fabry-Pérot Interferometer”
  • Publications:
    A. Roehrl, A. Stadler, F. Buchfellner, S. Zehetmair, J. Roths "Ultra-high Temperature Sensor Utilizing an Intrinsic Sapphire Fabry-Pérot Interferometer," Advanced Photonics Congress in Québec, (Optica Publishing Group 2024), paper BM4A.4
    J. Roths, Q.Biana, A. Stadlera, F. Buchfellnera, A. Roehrl "Sensing in Extreme High Temperature Environments with Regenerated Fiber Bragg Gratings," Advanced Photonics Congress in Québec, (Optica Publishing Group 2024), paper BTu2A.1

01.04.2024 New Publication in IEEE Sensors Journal:
  • Characterization of high-temperature performance of a sapphire fiber Bragg grating with a single-mode demodulation system,” IEEE Sensors J., 24 (7), 10138–10143.
    DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2024.3366230, (2024)

13.10.2023 Congratulations to Bian Qiang on the successful defense of his dissertation in the field of fiber optic sensing.
  • For this purpose, Dr.-Ing. Bian developed corresponding novel fiber optic sensor networks in the photonics laboratory, which could be embedded in aluminum and copper components during the casting process. As a scholarship holder of the Chinese Scholarship Council, he decided to do his doctoral thesis in cooperation between the TUM-MST and the HM Laboratory for Photonics.
    Further information in German

21.08.2023 Laboratory excursion to the royal castles Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau
  • The lab excursion took us to the royal castles, which were a must see for our international students.

Optica Sensing Congress 2023
  • Invited Talk:
    F. Buchfellner, “Intra-spectral temperature-compensated FBG sensors for hydrogen detection and beyond”, in Next Generation Fiber Sensors Session
  • Publications:
    F. Buchfellner, Q. Bian, F. Moos, J. Nicolai, F. Zhang, W. Hu, M. Yang, A. W. Koch, J. Roths, “Intra-spectral temperature-compensated FBG sensors for hydrogen detection and beyond,” Optica Sensing Congress in Munich (Optica Publishing Group, 2023), paper STh3D.2

EWOFS 2023 – European Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors
  • Poster Presentation:
    F. Buchfellner, Simulation of a temperature-compensated palladium-based fiber optic hydrogen sensor and comparison with measurements
  • Publications PROCEEDINGS VOLUME 12643:
    F. Buchfellner, Q. Bian, A. Roehrl, F. Zhang, W. Hu, M. Yang, A. W. Koch, J. Roths, “Simulation of a temperature-compensated palladium-based fiber optic hydrogen sensor and comparison with measurements,” Proc. SPIE 12643, European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors (EWOFS 2023), 126430W (23 May 2023); DOI: 10.1117/12.2678227

15th European Turbomachinery Conference organized in collaboration with EVI-GTI
  • Oral Presentation:
    A. Stadler, Highly dense total temperature measurement of fast air streams with a 15-point RFBG sensor array
  • Oral Presentation:
    B. Karlsson, High-temperature profile monitoring in the exhaust duct of a 57 MW gas turbine with fiber-optic sensor array